Hooray, you’re here!

I’m so glad you stopped by. If you were in my kitchen, I would offer you a glass of sweet tea or a hot cup of coffee in a mug that fits perfectly with your hand. Feel free to take off your shoes, find a cozy seat and stay awhile.


Hi, I’m Melinda Patrick.

Just an ordinary woman with a heart for Jesus, family, and friends. Add sweet tea and a good front porch swing to that mix, and I am filled with delight!

I haven’t always been this way, though.

There once was a time I couldn’t recall even the simple things that brought my heart joy.

A fractured family, broken dreams, and hard parenting days left me reeling in doubt and despair. Prayers seemingly unanswered had me wondering where God was and if He even cared.

It was through a simple game of Chinese checkers that God revealed to me I had been living in reaction to the circumstances around me and not living in response to Him.

Since that fun game night, the most extended wait season of my life has ended. It was a little over 30 years of waiting to be exact.

But, because I had shifted from living in reaction to my circumstances to living in response to God, I was ready for the epic plot twist waiting for me on the other side of ‘wait’.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m still in other waiting seasons. But my hope has been restored and joy renewed.

Through my podcasting, speaking, writing, and hosting retreats I would love to embolden and equip you to see beyond what your eyes see, and your heart feels. I want to invite you to join God in discovering the hidden treasures He has for you in this season of wait.

Because, what you do in the wait matters for eternity!